Swell Energy Helps Multiple Fire Departments in Mono County, California Secure Free Backup Power

by Technica Communications

All in a day’s work: over one million of our nation’s firefighters collectively responded to over 36 million fire department calls in 2021, according to the National Fire Protection Association. These firefighters work tirelessly to keep our homes, businesses, communities, and environments safe. 

Swell Energy returned the favor to some of these local heroes. Several fire departments in Mono County, California—Lee Vining, Mono City, and Mammoth Lakes—have received several Tesla battery systems, thanks to the work of Swell’s Commercial and Industrial (C&I) team. These system installations were coordinated and implemented with the assistance of Swell partner Hammertime Electric.

A tremendous benefit for volunteer fire districts

These batteries will keep stations powered and operating during the frequent power losses in these windy, outage-prone areas. But perhaps most interesting is that these backup battery systems were installed at no cost to these districts, which are often budget-minded and must rely on the time and efforts of volunteer firefighters.

This is no surprise: according to the U.S. Fire Administration, 70% of fire departments across the U.S. are made up of volunteers, who can face anything from a house fire to a pile-up on the highway or hazardous chemical leaks. Firefighters are also trained medics responding to physical and behavioral health emergencies. With fewer people signing up to volunteer in recent years, these operating challenges pose serious risks to people and their homes, especially in rural areas, according to NPR.

Not only do these courageous, community-minded individuals serve the businesses and residents in their towns, but they also do their part in fighting wildfires. Areas served by these Fire Districts include Yosemite National Park to the west and the surrounding scenic regions of Mono Lake and up to the border with Nevada.

As such, backup power can be one less headache—and a life-saving advantage—to volunteer fire departments already faced with rising costs and operational challenges.

Resilience in a time of need

In February 2023, a seven-day power outage struck Mono City after a series of avalanches buried half a mile of U.S. Route 395 on the eastern side of California's Sierra Nevada under 30 to 40 feet of snow and debris.

This effectively cut off all access to the south, and the Mono City fire hall quickly became a community warming center where residents could access critical information, charge their phones and other devices, and prepare food for their families—all because of the Tesla battery system.

In late 2022, the Lee Vining Fire District experienced two outages in one week alone, and the Swell-installed batteries instantly provided the necessary power to keep the station operating.

“The Tesla system from Swell has created a much-needed point of resilience for our community,” explained Paul McFarland of the Lee Vining FD. “Given our isolation and extreme weather, the Swell system provides immediate backup and provides added redundancy to the Department's existing propane generator, keeping the lights on during frequent outages and providing the community a dependably safe and warm location during emergencies.”

Support from the California Public Utilities Commission

The fire districts received these backup battery systems thanks to a special program initiated by the California Public Utilities Commission. The Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP) provides incentives for existing, new, and emerging distributed energy resources, with SGIP providing rebates for qualifying systems.

Swell helped the departments apply for these rebates, essentially driving the cost down to zero.

“The installation of backup battery power at these Fire Districts are a small but powerful example of Swell’s commitment to providing resilience to people and communities regardless of the size of the project,” notes Lance Honea, VP of C&I at Swell.

With those Tesla batteries keeping the buildings running smoothly, enabling dispatchers to receive calls and send firefighters to locations when needed at a moment’s notice, Swell is fulfilling its mission.

For more information about Swell's Commercial and Industrial projects, please visit: https://swellenergy.com/commercial/